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Chapter #4 'Slightly Overdue'

Victoria Dalton
Jennifer 'Jen' Wyatt
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Jennifer 'Jen' Wyatt
Jennifer 'Jen' Wyatt
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Chapter #4 'Slightly Overdue' Empty Chapter #4 'Slightly Overdue'

Mon Jun 07, 2021 2:28 pm

“That is just not insightful at all Colonel.” Remarking sipping on the industrial strength coffee. Tapping against her cheek, the Lt. Colonel leant back in her chair. “So possible jar-head then?” That comment was more out loud to herself. Jen then moved her gaze back to the XO and shook her head. “Just be glad I won’t take someone out of SG-1.” Smirking slightly.

Seeing the Colonel’s phone caused Wyatt to burst out laughing. “Welcome to the dark side of being CO of SG-1,the promises of gold and fame are all a lie!” Lt. Colonel Wyatt had been there and done that. During a re-shuffle Jen had offered to step down to take lead of the Security team since it was a tough position to fill.

“Have fun Colonel!” Giving him a mock salute. She could stay for a couple of more minutes before considering the agenda for the team today. Knowing a few drills would be needed, she would need to speak with someone about using one of the lesser used corridors to simulate an event. That would indeed take some time.

Looking down at the watch on her right wrist and saw the time. Groaning as she stood up and cracked her neck before downing the last of the coffee. Lt. Colonel Wyatt moved out of the mess hall and down the corridor. Some of that overdue paperwork was not going to complete itself and she hated when the administration team ratted her out to the top brass, it always gave her a headache. Jen got the paperwork done… eventually… slightly overdue.


Victoria Dalton
Victoria Dalton
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Chapter #4 'Slightly Overdue' Empty Re: Chapter #4 'Slightly Overdue'

Mon Jun 07, 2021 2:40 pm

Corporal Victoria Dalton was still in awe at the fact such a programme existed, for space, to other planets. When this Corporal had been chosen to at Stargate Command as her next posting and having been briefed, she could have nearly fainted. It was just… there were just no words.

Having been in the United States Army for only around 4 years, she assumed that she would be a team leader maybe abroad as some of her fellow soldiers. But this was not expected. Especially not to be a member of the flag ship team. The adjustment period was still ongoing. It was the secret keeping that Dalton found to be the hardest, since she was the first member of her family to join the military.

Still getting lost was something this Corporal was doing a lot of, although missing fresh air was a given. But welcome to the military where you are not granted certain pleasures. Having just managed to move out of the quarters. Victoria had found herself a small apartment to rent. It allowed her some freedom and to able to explore Colorado and go hiking during the downtime she was given.

Victoria joined the military because she was not academic and had done not very well at school. It seemed a chance for her to get some decent qualifications. She thought she would see the world, but it would seem she was destined to see other planets. Mind-blowing.

Corporal Dalton simply walked the base, still trying to memories the different locations.


Grace Wyatt
Grace Wyatt
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Chapter #4 'Slightly Overdue' Empty Re: Chapter #4 'Slightly Overdue'

Mon Jun 07, 2021 2:57 pm

It had been a difficult move to make, to force them both from the serenity of the mountainside back to reality. It proved to a challenge for Grace because of the situation, but it was required. Dr. Wyatt walked quickly to the elevator which did feel like it was an infinity away, she knew was not needed immediately at the infirmary, but she could sit in her own office.

Almost as if she was on autopilot, Grace walked the familiar steps back to the infirmary and her work mode did kick back into action. Her hand was immediately filled with a chart that needed her glance. “Sign him off, he is back on active duty.” Muttering after a quick look over the piece of paper. Slipping on her glasses, Grace put her signature to the form giving permission.

Moving into the small office space, Dr. Wyatt loaded up the relevant technology to consider some research results. The medical team had been working closely with the science team to develop new techniques from the information learnt from offworld missions. It had been a slow progress but some of the research was promising. It could make life easier for everyone.

There was something Dr. Wyatt knew was patience and although it was slow moving research, it was needed. Even if in the end it had no positive outcomes, the teams could learn from it. She had always found you learn more from failure than you do at success. It was what made the next effort better.

Rocky Bond
Rocky Bond
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Chapter #4 'Slightly Overdue' Empty Re: Chapter #4 'Slightly Overdue'

Tue Jun 15, 2021 3:07 pm

General Bond was walking down the spiral staircase and into the Control Room. Not a great deal had changed over the years to the facility, but the visible changes here were the computing systems. When the SGC opened up, it used big CRT monitors and made the slow transition into flat screens, but since Bond stepped in there was very little hassle in getting the military budget of the ‘States and contributing countries in the Stargate Programme to chip in and overhaul the systems when/where necessary.

The Control Room now used screens that were top of their line and integrated with most of the tech that they required. They had Asgard core components sporadically placed around and it was significantly more operational and powerful of a room than it ever was before – but there was still vital components that were once used and always will be on this man’s watch; the people.

Bond turned to Technical Sergeant Romeo, who was clearly watching the General’s every move to jump when asked to. “Call SG-1 to the briefing room please, Sergeant? Time to make them earn their keep.”

“Sir.” The NCO affirmed in reply, as Bond nodded and turned to walk back the way he came.

As he stepped foot on the first step of the spiral stairs, his ear chirped, =^= General, its MacGregor, bad time?=^=

Bond tapped his earpiece to reply, =^=I’m about to walk into a meeting, Colonel – stand by.=^=

No sooner did Bond end the transmission, his NCO and PA gave a call over the base tannoy system; =^=SG1 TO THE BRIEFING ROOM, REPEAT SG1 PLEASE REPORT TO THE BREIFING ROOM IMMEDIATELY=^=

Bond grinned as he reached the midway point of the staircase.


Donald Carter
Donald Carter
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Chapter #4 'Slightly Overdue' Empty Re: Chapter #4 'Slightly Overdue'

Tue Jun 15, 2021 3:07 pm

Don’s ride arrived, the elevator that would take him down to ’27 and to where he was supposed to be.

One thing he was almost eager to achieve was timeliness. As a Corporal, Don was often used in a post of ‘section commander’ and was regularly required to enforce time-keeping and good kit condition and the sort. It wasn’t always something so crucial to him in life, mostly because Oscar was just ALWAYS late when the two were due to be somewhere, so he let it slide – the things we do for love.

Don pulled out his access card from his left-ass pocked, but a white-coated colleague had beaten him to the punch to hit their button, “Uh, twennie seven?” Don spoken with a pressed smile and a head jerk to the civilian... Nice shirt, though.

The elevator took Don down to his floor after stopped for a moment at Level 25 for his new friend and as he left the ride and walked through the narrow corridor into the rear of the briefing room, he heard the building summoning him right to his current location, =^=SG1 TO THE BRIEFING ROOM, REPEAT SG1 PLEASE REPORT TO THE BREIFING ROOM IMMEDIATELY=^=

Don sighed and entered into the room as General Bond reached the top of the spiral staircase on the opposing side of the room, “Sir.” Carter spoke as he stiffened up in attention.


Victoria Dalton
Victoria Dalton
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Chapter #4 'Slightly Overdue' Empty Re: Chapter #4 'Slightly Overdue'

Tue Jun 15, 2021 11:40 pm

Corporal Dalton was basically walking the hallways attempting still to get use to the hallway of this base. It always seemed that she would lose her way and it was a difficult situation she was in. It presented her challenges since she was not 100% what she wanted to do with her military career.

Remembering the day this assignment was presented to this Corporal was still a mess in her mind even now that she was on base. The ability to see places where people could only dream, even she could only dream of until recently. Inside her head, well she never thought there would be life outside of Earth, she was not a scientist or whatever they were called. Dalton was a solider she focused on each mission and assignment, not about what she considered to be unproven situations. Until now.

In her past she had been a walking mess and the military was the constant. It allowed her to focus on the person she wanted to be even in the days of doubt. There was no other way but this. There was much more in this life, especially since she was now going to see other planets. Victoria was new to the team and she had yet to go on an official mission.


Her breath caught and she began to feel very nervous, it was simply an instinct with Dalton. It was all becoming very real.

Quickly, Dalton nearly ran to the briefing room. Calming herself in the elevator to the relevant floor. Soon enough she arrived at the briefing room once climbing the stairs seeing Carter there at attention. Giving a slightly side smirk before standing to attention. “General, Sir.” Nodding w snap of her neck.


Grace Wyatt
Grace Wyatt
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Chapter #4 'Slightly Overdue' Empty Re: Chapter #4 'Slightly Overdue'

Tue Jun 15, 2021 11:53 pm

Grace continued her research and the reports from both team cooperating, it was a sign that she could leave them on their own and they could work very well. The reports seemed very promising; it did make this doctor smile slightly. The progress that had been made since she first took over the infirmary all those years ago was incredible. It did make a slight sad feeling, almost that she was needed less in the place that had been the focus of her time for so long. But it was a sign Grace has been doing her job in the way she had always intended, training the future generation.

Taking off her reading glasses and placing them on her desk. Grace rubbed the bridge of her nose briefly after that thought process. If this were important to her, she could she ever truly leave it. But she was not getting any younger, she longed to spend more time with her grandchildren since this situation meant that she did miss out on some special occasions. Considering the situation with her husband but a short while ago, knowing his own thought pattern because she had been through it not too long ago herself, it was indeed a life crisis. The military was a way of life. The SGC was a way of life not just career, it did take over everything. It was too important not to.

Deep in thought, Grace continued this thought process and considered her own sister who had failed marriages and no other family then the one Grace was apart of. It was a career life, and it did worry her. It caused her a heavy heart sometimes considering her baby sister, but she seemed happy, and it was her choice. She could not always protect her, but Doctor Wyatt was still the older of the two. It was struggle not to feel torn.

It was the opposite of her own life, yes Grace had one failed marriage, but she had two beautiful girls one who was in the military within the Navy and the other who had a happy marriage and children; her grandchildren, again who she felt she needed to attempt to see more. A family reunion would be needed and soon. And to spend more time with her newest grandson courtesy of her husband’s son. He was still part of her family and she loved to spoil the children within the family.

Sighing quietly to herself, it seemed she would need a vacation very soon.


Cameron MacGregor
Cameron MacGregor
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Chapter #4 'Slightly Overdue' Empty Re: Chapter #4 'Slightly Overdue'

Wed Jun 30, 2021 8:04 pm

^=I’m about to walk into a meeting, Colonel – stand by.=^= MacGregor heard within his earpiece.


MacGregor dropped his head, gave a small laugh and then walked across the Mess hall, putting his phone back into his pocked, his walk turned into a light jog as he navigated the corridors. Even though he had only been with the SGC for a number of years, he knew the place like the back of his hand. Jogging through the corridors, he made a hard right and ended up in the control room. THIS, was his favourite place of the whole base. At heart, MacGregor was a massive geek and he loved just watching the techs doing the dance across different panels.

The control room had changed quite drastically, even during his time back in the UK, he found that there was a more modern look when he returned. He always loved just looking out through the massive panes of glass to the thing that gave them all a job and a purpose, the gate itself.

As he walked though, people made way and came to the position of attention. This was something that he had gotten used to but he slightly detested it. As he made his way up the stairs, he could see people standing around the room. Some of the SAs even snapped to attention for him. However, he knew that he wasn't the most important person in the room. At the end of the day, the rank he had was a privilage and at times, could sometimes a burden when it came to paperwork.

As he looked around the room, he could see the two corporals who where assigned to his team. Instantly his attention turned and found a four star general staring him down. The look always made him feel slightly uneasy because he wasn't sure if he was about to be spoken to, receive a blocking or potentially, both.

"General" as MacGregor threw a smart, sharp salute up.



Rocky Bond
Rocky Bond
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Chapter #4 'Slightly Overdue' Empty Re: Chapter #4 'Slightly Overdue'

Wed Jul 14, 2021 12:35 pm

Bond proceeded into the room from atop the spiral staircase, he heard a shout from the opposing side of the room, “Sir.” Carter spoke as he stiffened up in attention.
“At ease, Corporal.” Bond said softly, giving his a wave of his right hand before pocketing it again.
Bond understood how he could loom over people as a General, specifically those that were just starting out their journey to the military, but he found he had so much more time for them. These people were literally asking, demanding to be taught and to be given a chance. Those that were sent here, they were already noticed and as being worthy of that chance. Those that were about to gather in this room, they were being given one atomic bomb of a chance.

“General, Sir.” Nodding with a snap of her neck. The movement that the General saw in the corner of his eye now caused his head to shift and see it all.

“Corporal, at ease,” Bond issued again, flapping his right hand once more and this time leaving it outside of his blue pants.

It was about that time. Bond always hated asking people to go and risk their lives, but more absurd to him was the notion of sitting down and playing house before doing it. His command was a little more ‘loose’ than some when it needed to be – hell, so long as the job got done right! – but these moments tended to irritate him, so he could get snappy and sharp.

A banging sound, Bond frowned and turned on his heal away from the two NCO’s in a complete 180 to face his rear, suddenly the cause of the noise reached the top of the metal staircase.

"General" as MacGregor threw a smart, sharp salute up.

So tired of issuing pardons for this sort’ve thing in the last 15 seconds of his life, and falling into the hatred of the meeting to come, Bond’s response came to be a little, brisk;

“Jesus.” Bond turned back and marched away from the young man, and to the head of the table he had fallen in love with.

There were five classified document covers each placed in 2 positions opposite each other, nearest the top seat, and the top seat of the table had its own, accompanied by some additional paperwork – this was clearly this man’s chair. Traditionally, the files would all be given to the General, or his placement at the table, but Bond so detested this process that he had no concern (unless otherwise expressed) with the documents being already ‘dished out’ to their places.

Gesturing to the other seats while taking his own, Bond spoke one more time, “Be seated. Please.”


Donald Carter
Donald Carter
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Chapter #4 'Slightly Overdue' Empty Re: Chapter #4 'Slightly Overdue'

Wed Jul 14, 2021 12:49 pm

“At ease, Corporal.” Bond said softly, giving his a wave of his right hand before pocketing it again.

Corporal Carter nodded with a smile in response and stood easy, not quite yet proceeding any further out of respect for the General to actually be invited further, be ready to, should the reading of the room dictate it.

Carter noticed Dalton enter from the other side of the room and gave her a wink as she smirked toward him.

“Corporal, at ease,” The commander spoke to her, this was Don’s cue, he headed over to her side of the room.

Walking to her, he stepped softly and with reverence, giving her a subtle wave with his left hand and he neared her, smiling.

It was difficult for these two, no doubt, they didn’t yet know where their line was, how was far they could push it and how comfortable they were allowed to be. Don did have a little fun though.

As a loud metallic banging sound came from behind General Bond and attracted his attention enough to turn, Don tilted his head inwards to Victoria and spoke in a high-pitched, mocking tone, “General Sir, lovely to see you sir, lovely to be here sir,” wobbling his head as if it were a plate spinning on a stick unsteadily. He chuckled slightly, but stopped the banter when their commanding officer entered the room and was snubbed by their collective boss.

Being ordered to take their seats, Don became corporal again and when he connected eye line with Colonel MacGregor he nodded slightly and spoke, “Sir.” In respect, then he took his seat – looking down at the classified folder he’d not seen a great many of.


Victoria Dalton
Victoria Dalton
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Chapter #4 'Slightly Overdue' Empty Re: Chapter #4 'Slightly Overdue'

Wed Jul 14, 2021 3:35 pm

Standing at ease and giving an internal breath of relief at being greeted. This was a very tense moment in her mind, not many people could say they were about to go to another planet and Dalton felt that it would never get old. “Thank you, Sir.” Once again nodding out of respect noticing Carter walking in her direction.

Raising a quick eyebrow giving a smirk while glancing out of the corner of her eye. “Behave.” Grinning a little before seeing their commanding officer enter the room and trying not to burst out laughing. Dalton liked to have a laugh, normally if she was not going to on base overnight due to a mission or an extremely early shift the day, she could be found in the local bar where some of the other military would mingle with civilians.

Dalton was a professional, but it was quite a classic moment as she took in a deep breath.

Composing herself quickly walking in the direction of the spare chair. “Colonel, Sir.” Giving a nod of her head sitting down considering the file in front of her. Taking a steady breath. There has been training missions, but nothing really prepared anyone for these classified files.


Jennifer 'Jen' Wyatt
Jennifer 'Jen' Wyatt
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Chapter #4 'Slightly Overdue' Empty Re: Chapter #4 'Slightly Overdue'

Wed Jul 14, 2021 4:38 pm

Upon pressing the button to the elevator, Wyatt had every intention of going to complete that overdue paperwork but then she got distracted or she was thinking of every other reason to delay the boredom that it would create.

A medical!

Yes, of course this Colonel would prefer having her monthly medical completed first rather than paperwork. And in this Colonel Wyatt way, her medical was also overdue. Pressing the button that would take her to the infirmary floor while humming away to herself. Grinning to herself a little, Jen then pressed the button near her ear. =^=Security team, your boss Colonel Wyatt here. Medicals are due so if you have not presented to the infirmary make sure you do. I know the good ‘ld doc likes to use blunt needles.=^=

It did not take long before the Colonel arrived at the floor and walked along the hallway to the infirmary. “Ah, I am here for that… well overdue medical before I am hunted down.” Jen had been hunted down last down; the only way they had managed to get her was threatened to pull her off duty. Wyatt lived for her job and that was the last thing that needed to happen. And she had a mortgage to pay.

Walking around the infirmary getting annoyed looks from the staff, Wyatt continued to hum waiting for the medical to be over. Before looking to the small office in the corner. One of Dr. Wyatt and her older sister.

Moving to the doorway. “Dr. Wyatt known as sis!” Smirking seeing Grace jump a little. “How are things? You never visit anymore!” This was the type of mood this Colonel was in; it was the sarcastic mood.


Rocky Bond
Rocky Bond
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Chapter #4 'Slightly Overdue' Empty Re: Chapter #4 'Slightly Overdue'

Wed Aug 25, 2021 12:54 am

Bond sat at the top of the new briefing room table. To his right, two non commissioned officers, to his left; an officer only one step away from his own chair.

In front of the four of them were briefing packets on the operation they were now assigned to. Why Bond then had to explain this to the room as if they were preschoolers was beyond him.

“Earth, via Stargate Command, has been invited to negotiate its way into a sortve galactic alliance. Extremely little is known about the hosts of the negotiations expect that there are other worlds abuzz with the invitation and apprehension of a merger of super powers.” Bond stopped for a moment to look at the faces staring at him, listening to his every word.

“We need friends. We’ve seen almost all of our allies die off, kill themselves or hermitise themselves. We need active, foot in the door, friends.” Bond stopped, allowing a momentary silence to make the significance of the point for him. “Questions?!”


Donald Carter
Donald Carter
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Chapter #4 'Slightly Overdue' Empty Re: Chapter #4 'Slightly Overdue'

Wed Aug 25, 2021 1:04 am

After reconciling with his colleague by giving her a moment to seat herself before dropping down into his own, Corporal Carter placed his hands on the arm rests of the large black leather seat and titled himself backward, ever so slightly. Decorum probably dictated that the Corporal be sat upright in sharp attentive listening mode, but in his days as section commander, Don knew that comfort made for better workmanship.

“Earth, via Stargate Command, has been invited to negotiate its way into a sortve galactic alliance. Extremely little is known about the hosts of the negotiations expect that there are other worlds abuzz with the invitation and apprehension of a merger of super powers.”

General Bond always commanded the power of the room and right now he had it. Don couldn’t help but wonder though, what could compel the SGC to enter into a bargain to be someone’s friend? If they didn’t want to be your friend then why waste your time?!

“We need friends. We’ve seen almost all of our allies die off, kill themselves or hermitise themselves. We need active, foot in the door, friends.”

There it was. The Milky Way was one giant power vacuum, thanks to those who previously carried this patch, and it was time that they had allies to carry the mantel.

Coming back into the moment and back into the comfort of the titles chair, he heard his base commander snap with, “Questions?!”

Carter had only then thought about the info that was packeted in front of him and labelled ‘Top Secret’… He slid the still sealed file into the centre of the table away from him. He knew all that he needed to.


Grace Wyatt
Grace Wyatt
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Chapter #4 'Slightly Overdue' Empty Re: Chapter #4 'Slightly Overdue'

Wed Aug 25, 2021 4:20 pm

Doctor Wyatt has been doing some of the overdue notes and used this quiet moment to attempt to catch up. Typing away quickly at the computer before adding her signature to the tablet that would finalise it as she then moved onto the next task.
Lost in the world of paperwork and time passing; before almost jumping from her seat and about to scold the military person who dared interrupt her before seeing who it was. With a roll of her eyes Grace stood up.

“Colonel Wyatt… to what do I owe this lovely visit.”

Both sisters were very different from each other and there was a significant age gap as Jennifer Wyatt was the result of their father’s second marriage.

“I never visit because some of us run a medical centre for a large base and the other likes to be annoying and be late with everything.” The trait they both could share from time to time was the sarcasm. “Now, I know you are late for you medical so be nice and polite and I won’t be the one to complete it.”

Sitting down once more and looking over the top of her glasses. “Dismissed Colonel, and remember you are expected at dinner next week.”

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