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Cameron MacGregor
Cameron MacGregor
Colonel (USAF)
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Chapter #3 ‘Tricks’ Empty Chapter #3 ‘Tricks’

Sun May 09, 2021 2:28 am

=^=Rodger that Colonel, I may have just developed another grey hair…=^=

MacGregor chuckled to himself. He appreciated the time it had taken him to get back to the Lt.Col but needs must. =^=ETA Colonel? I will not be held responsible for pressing this red button in the science lab in my boredom!=^=.

=^=Colonel, you and I both know that big red buttons, as tempting as they may, end up with a lot more paperwork for us both. Should be with you in 30 seconds=^=.

MacGregor had increased his pace to a jog to get to the lab that Lt.Col Wyatt was positioned. Has he rounded the last few corners, he pulled out his ID badge and as soon as he got to the door to the lab, swiped the card and the door slid open.

As Cameron entered the room, he could see the Lieutenant Colonel, standing in front of a terminal looking over whatever it was she was looking at. "Colonel! How's tricks? Just wanted to catch up with you to see what's been happening while I've been across the pond!?"


Jennifer 'Jen' Wyatt
Jennifer 'Jen' Wyatt
Lt.Col (USAF)
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Chapter #3 ‘Tricks’ Empty Re: Chapter #3 ‘Tricks’

Mon May 10, 2021 4:28 pm

A deep sigh rippled through her for a moment, another team member was transferring out of the security team. It was understandable within the military transfers happened, but it gave her a headache because the team was established and did trust each other, even if this Lt. Colonel gave them a tough time. After all they were responsible to ensure that the base was always safe, and yes there was sometimes an underappreciation from other members.

Quickly Jen typed a response to the memo she received before turning to see Colonel MacGregor. “Ah, finally Colonel!” Colonel Wyatt spoke with a slight smirk on her face quickly logging off the terminal.

“And in response to your radio call, the paperwork would be the responsibility of the General and you, I would be sat in a cell with 3 square meals every day.” Grinning for a moment. “And you know, glad to hand back control to you! My team missed my presence far too much when I was not always on their six!”

Taking a seat for a moment, considering what had happened when he had been on leave. “Honestly, not a great deal. Not even an invasion – so a very quiet time!” Wyatt might have jinxed everything, but she was light-hearted, when she did not need to be ‘mean’ or the person that an idiot didn’t like.

“How is the fam? Consider yourself lucky you don’t work with some of yours.” Commenting about her boss and former boss had been her brother in law and sister when she was the second in command. But this Colonel worked hard for her dollar and Wyatt knew the boundaries.


Grace Wyatt
Grace Wyatt
Special Civilian Consultant (SGC)
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Chapter #3 ‘Tricks’ Empty Re: Chapter #3 ‘Tricks’

Mon May 10, 2021 4:58 pm

“Well that you shall never know; fate does have a funny way of intervening. And none of this I don’t believe in that nonsense.”

Grace knew this was a personal battle for the General and she could read him very well, even when the General bravo was in full force. There was some straighten out that needed to be done, but that would come with time.

“It is baby steps and sometimes something does have to give…” Pausing for a very brief moment and picking up a sandwich – and of course it was coronation chicken, a firm favourite of hers. “We will get through this together.” Then taking a bite of the sandwich. “I’ve just realised I skipped breakfast minus the coffee again.” That thought was more to herself spoken aloud.

Dr. Wyatt reflected briefly on her own turmoil which felt like it had lasted an entire lifetime, in the end she made the correct choice. It had been for the best and she believed she found her way back, after much frustration and even arguments.

“Maybe a break is needed? See some of the family? Host a family reunion? Is the house big enough for that?” Grace spoke off topic for a brief moment, it was bringing back focus to something that was not just the uniform or even the job. She glanced and took in the view once more.

“This sandwich is very good.” Once more a passing thought coming out into the open.



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Cameron MacGregor
Cameron MacGregor
Colonel (USAF)
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Chapter #3 ‘Tricks’ Empty Re: Chapter #3 ‘Tricks’

Thu May 13, 2021 1:21 pm

Lt Col Wyatt turned around, “Ah, finally Colonel!” she said with a slight smirk on her face.

MacGregor knew that she used to be second in command of the SGC and he respected her for that. He saw how much dedication she gave to her team and he knew that he could count on them and her when things got rough.

“And in response to your radio call, the paperwork would be the responsibility of the General and you, I would be sat in a cell with 3 square meals every day. And you know, glad to hand back control to you! My team missed my presence far too much when I was not always on their six!”

MacGregor took a second to absorb what was said. "Trust me, I don't enjoy the paperwork as much as the next person. Kinda thought when I transferred across it would reduce. Yeah I was wrong!"

After a few seconds, the Lt Col took a seat and advised “Honestly, not a great deal. Not even an invasion – so a very quiet time! How is the fam? Consider yourself lucky you don’t work with some of yours!”

"Always what I want to hear if I'm honest. Still bedding into this role. Yeah the fam is good. Was nice to catch up with them. Been a bit all over the place since I moved across here!"

MacGregor took a second to himself to consider his family. He loved his work but he missed them terribly. He looked back up at the Lt Colonel who was sat in front of him and he put a smile on and asked "Got time to grab a coffee from the cafeteria? Could help you select a new candidate for your team!" He said this with a cheeky grin on his face and awaited a response from Wyatt.



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Donald Carter
Donald Carter
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Chapter #3 ‘Tricks’ Empty Re: Chapter #3 ‘Tricks’

Sat May 15, 2021 6:37 pm

Corporal Carter had just snapped the last buckle shut on his tactical vest and all seemed to be okay... Well, he didn't like that the ABU paint was already starting to fleck off the metal buckles of his desert camo vest, but then it was the air force that supplied them... So yanno...

Chuckling to himself slightly, Don hung the last tac vest back up and stacked the last few ready-boxes onto the racking below - carefully ensuring each were perfectly inline with the one below it. As he did so, he also looked around at the others, noticing other members of offworld teams had simply discarded theirs into their racking... Air force again - what else could he tell ya?

When he finished, he stepped back and looked his set-up up and down before winking and clicking his tongue in admiration of the banging set-up.

Turning around to leave, Don put his hand on the doorknob just as it FLEW open hastily, barely leaving Corporal Carters head on his shoulders, "JJEEESSSHHH!" he shouted as he stumbled to his right, in the direction of the unhinging door. He'd seen a face as the door opened so he knew what came next, "Crap on a cracker, Donnelly! Just about locked the door with my retina, man!"

Donnelly laughed, gave a "Sorry, guy," and walked into the room shaking his head as if to be blaming Don. Marines......

Carter took a seat on the bench just behind the open door and figured he'd give it a minute before he left - as soon as he'd stopped seeing blue.

Rocky Bond
Rocky Bond
General of the Air Force (USAF)
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Chapter #3 ‘Tricks’ Empty Re: Chapter #3 ‘Tricks’

Sat May 15, 2021 6:56 pm

“Well that you shall never know; fate does have a funny way of intervening. And none of this I don’t believe in that nonsense.”

Bond chuckled silently and took a bite of his own sandwich, entering the second half of it.

Everything she said was true, but then, everything he'd said was too. Fighting was only good for so long and after it's done, the stick isn't always as good as the carrot.

“It is baby steps and sometimes something does have to give…” Pausing for a very brief moment and picking up a sandwich. “We will get through this together.” Then taking a bite of the sandwich. “I’ve just realised I skipped breakfast minus the coffee again.”

Rocky's eyes frowned at his wife but they both knew by now what it was that the other person wanted to say.

Here they both were; Grace Wyatt, sat on a plaid blanket beside a hamper of food - and coffee she'd hammered - and the General of the United States Air Force, who held a part eaten sandwich in his left hand, balanced his leant position on a boulder with his right and was rolling his right foot, weightlessly, across the loose gravel-like stones that sat among tufts of sun-bleached, beigeing grass. Silence as they both contemplated - their company beside one another atop a mountain saying more than was covered by simple words.

“Maybe a break is needed? See some of the family? Host a family reunion? Is the house big enough for that?” Grace spoke up again.

The General nodded emphatically, "Good call, Mrs W - lets get this week sorted out and we can definitely dust off the diary." It'd been so long since all of the W's and B's had gathered - or indeed the two had done something beyond simple work. Anything at their position wasn't just a job, though. It was a lifestyle.

Bond's beam request transmitter chirped - a noise it made when he'd ordered not to be disrupted or beamed back without notice - even if time had run out and their 'lifestyle' had stepped back into the fold. He ignored it.

“This sandwich is very good.” His bride spoke randomly.

"I know." He spoke with a soft voice - one that matched the soft smile he gave looking down her, the only view to pull his mind away from the visage ahead, and the chaos in his heart.


Jennifer 'Jen' Wyatt
Jennifer 'Jen' Wyatt
Lt.Col (USAF)
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Chapter #3 ‘Tricks’ Empty Re: Chapter #3 ‘Tricks’

Tue May 18, 2021 4:15 pm

Of Wyatt knew the pressures of being second in command of the SGC, she held the role for some time and then she was put on medical leave after a mission went wrong. It has impacted on her, in fact Jen did miss it sometimes but she had also assessed that it limited her in what she wanted for her own military career. After requesting to step down, following a lengthy conversation with General Bond it was authorised. However, Lt. Colonel Wyatt was quite happy where she was for the time being.

MacGregor took a second to absorb what was said. "Trust me, I don't enjoy the paperwork as much as the next person. Kinda thought when I transferred across it would reduce. Yeah I was wrong!"
“Welcome to the United States Air Force Colonel, your first assignment – fill out this novel of paperwork. I only transferred over because the Army threatened to court martial my rear.” She spoke with a grin on her face. “Apparently I have a temper, no idea what they were talking about.” Raising an eyebrow before chuckling.

Tilting her head to the comment about family, Wyatt shrugged her shoulders for a moment. “Be glad you don’t work with them and be glad one of them isn’t the boss.” Grinning and before she frowned. “Wait? You knew Addison was transferring out…” Pausing before continuing. “He is my favourite lacky and actually one of the rare few that doesn’t say some sexist remark about a woman leading the security team.”

Considering herself for a moment, thinking about anything that needed her urgent attention. Nope there was not a thing. “May as well, keep my team on their feet not knowing where I will pop up again. I think I missed my calling by not being a marine or drill instructor!”

Hopping off the seat watching it spin before heading towards the door. “Speed up Colonel!” Shouting back as she rounded the corner heading towards the mess hall.


Grace Wyatt
Grace Wyatt
Special Civilian Consultant (SGC)
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Chapter #3 ‘Tricks’ Empty Re: Chapter #3 ‘Tricks’

Tue May 18, 2021 4:30 pm

Dr. Wyatt looked up at the General as she finished off her sandwich. These were rare moments in the workday that had felt became ever rarer. But that was their roles and he was the commander of Stargate Command, highest ranking military official and the work was never done. Another reason why Grace had retired from the military.

“Will get the diary dusted off.” Simply nodding. “I do have some good ideas every now and again.” They did stand together and would disagree on some topics, but they were both in their later lives and could be set in old routines.
However, even this late in life – this relationship had arrived at the right time for her. Their families had blended well or her rather heavy numbered family welcomed or rather absorbed the General and his son with open arms.

Then hearing the nose, Grace rose to her feet. “And there it is.” Knowing what it meant, the peace and quiet needed to be interrupted. This was their life and it was just skimming the top of it.

“Let’s go back to the chaos before they decide to burn the place down by accident.” Speaking half-heartily. There was a very capable team beneath the mountain, but it seems sometimes if certain members of the chain of command were missing. Well, this job was indeed a lifestyle.

There was a time, well that was something Grace could think about she was simply taking in the moment. Without of the pressures of the military, she often could be in in the present. “Shall we go back to the job Rocky?” Moving across to him before kissing his cheek.


Cameron MacGregor
Cameron MacGregor
Colonel (USAF)
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Chapter #3 ‘Tricks’ Empty Re: Chapter #3 ‘Tricks’

Tue May 25, 2021 7:39 pm

“Speed up Colonel!” Shouted the Lt Col as she sprinted out of the door.

MacGregor had to take a second to click at what happened, spun on his heal and then made a bee-line for the door. He could see Jen up in the distance and he knew how competitive she could be. He had seen her taken down full grown men and he didn't fancy getting on the wrong side of her, but out of everyone within the SGC, he gravitated towards her more.

He he jogged through the corridors towards the mess hall, he could see Jens hair-bun bob up and down, darting in between personnel who was getting out of the way as they saw the pair approach. As he finally caught up with her, he turned his head towards her and gave a little smile, turned his head back just in the nick of time before he would have face-planted the mess hall door. MacGregor, being the gentleman that he was, opened and held the door for the Lt Col as she walked though the door.

The pair took a seat at one of the tables before one of the Mess staff came over and poured them both coffee into pre-laid cups.

"And to answer your question, yes I knew about Addison. I know everything remember!" MacGregor said before giving a little wink with his left eye.


Jennifer 'Jen' Wyatt
Jennifer 'Jen' Wyatt
Lt.Col (USAF)
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Chapter #3 ‘Tricks’ Empty Re: Chapter #3 ‘Tricks’

Wed May 26, 2021 4:40 pm


There was something about this Lt. Colonel, she lived as much in the present as she could and quite frankly it was the best way to live when your life was the military. It was her life course and something she was very passionate about and she was competitive by nature.

“Thanks Colonel.” Giving a small nod of her before parking herself at the table. “Worst coffee in the world, but whatever they put in it keeps you awake.” Raising the mug in a mock salute.

Rolling her eyes at the XO and shaking her head. “And the upper command always wonder why I go into a sulk when I find out through a memo or a damn email. You know the paperwork is bad enough but when it is my team. I swear.” And that was her rant over.

“And rant completed…” Pausing to take another sip of her coffee. “Remind me to refuse to go on the next mission to rescue SG-1 when they get into trouble.” Grinning at the Colonel. It was always a running joke that the flag ship team always got into the worst trouble and up to the other SG teams to bail them out.

“Now in terms of transfers into the security team – clearly the best team on this base!” Smirking slightly. “I think not a newbie straight out of training, someone with a bit of experience and that has some common sense. Maybe not a jar head? Thoughts”


Rocky Bond
Rocky Bond
General of the Air Force (USAF)
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Chapter #3 ‘Tricks’ Empty Re: Chapter #3 ‘Tricks’

Thu May 27, 2021 1:54 pm

Bond was still with his wife atop the mountain and, having finished their lunch and a tough conversation they were summoned back to work by the device in his pocket that allowed for the privilege of instantaneous travel in an out of the base to their secret spot – their favourite spot.

The chirp sounded and Bond had brushed it off as if it hadn’t happened, but Grace heard it, he knew what that meant; no escape – only compliance.

Hearing the nose, Grace rose to her feet. “And there it is.”

“There it is,” Bond spoke in echo of the sentiment. He gave a nod of his head and started to straighten his tie back right, while looking out for another glance of his view. Could he not move his desk to this place?

“Let’s go back to the chaos before they decide to burn the place down by accident.” Grace spoke in jest as she walked over to Rocky. He chuckled lightly at her cavalier attitude of their staff. It was interesting – the two not being there for an hour or so was fine, they weren’t needed and the world still span, but the second one of them was needed? The world stood still and without a signature from one or both of them – it would burn.

Bond had straightened himself back to default and his wife was now beside him, the two of them looking out and Bond turned to face his wife – a much better image. What a woman. She could take everything the world threw at her and when she dusted herself off, would still approach the problem with class and dignity.

He tried to think of how he’d model his next life stage after her. Grace had risen through the ranks of the US Military, stayed there and left it. It looked effortless on the surface, but Bond knew she carried the wisdom of the necessity to change and adapt after it.

“Shall we go back to the job Rocky?” Moving into him before kissing his cheek.

Bond spoke with almost a mumble, “No.” His energy had dropped again, the effort for what was to come clearly taking its toll and he embraced her. A hug for literal and figurative support. His head was resting on the side of hers and he paused a moment – how could he make this last just that bit longer?

The device chirped again.

Donald Carter
Donald Carter
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Chapter #3 ‘Tricks’ Empty Re: Chapter #3 ‘Tricks’

Thu May 27, 2021 1:54 pm

Don shook his head, stood up and exhaled – he felt his brain normalising but the sting on the side of his temple still felt like his momma just took a slipper to the upside of his head – but it was a marine, with a door.

Don did the obligatory check of all of his pockets, patting them all with a hand, quite rapidly and was just walking through the door and into the corridor when his watch started to bleep and vibrate to remind him of the next item on his schedule. Don was up on Level 16 so he needed an elevator to get him to Sub-Level 27 – the important part.

Up here, it was easier to pretend it was just Earth, and just a regular posting... Whatever one of those were.

As Don moved to leave the room he was barged past by the earlier Marine. Second time. “Damn it, Donnelly!” he shouted, almost spinning out of his own existence. Donnelly flipped him off from behind as he walked through the halls like he owned the base. What he’d give to just get hold of a General and aim it at the ‘roid-raging A-hole of a Marine...

Right. Elevator.

Grace Wyatt
Grace Wyatt
Special Civilian Consultant (SGC)
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Chapter #3 ‘Tricks’ Empty Re: Chapter #3 ‘Tricks’

Tue Jun 01, 2021 6:04 pm

Grace knew the hesitation, the dilemma that was presented but the implication it had would be enormous either way once a choice had been made. It was almost like the end of an era or even show never knowing the ending because nothing was for certain. All that she knew was the world kept turning even with the choices she had made. The rest had been history. The was no manual for it.

They had both come a long way from where they had started and the things, they had been both together and separately. Those were indeed the days.

Chuckling quietly at the General’s slight defiance, not that Grace could blame him, but it was time. One could not run or turn their back on any issues. It needed a word. Leaning into his embrace. Only one thing was for sure action was needed.

Grace took in the view for one last moment pausing for the final second. Then there was the chirp of the device. Reaching quietly into the side of his pocket, Grace pressed the device, and both were eloped in a bright light before appearing back in his office. Both frozen on the stop before she took a small step and looked at her husband.

“Now back to work with the both of us.” Giving a slight smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes as it normally would. “Only you can decide, I will support you as I always have.” Dr. Wyatt felt a brief rush of guilt because she was forcing him back into this reality; into their reality which was sometimes not easy. That voice that spoke knew it was the correct move regardless of the difficulty.

“I will see you later.” Grace then turned around and walked out of the office with a heavy sigh. Walking herself into the direction of the infirmary. She arrived at the elevator.

It was going to be a long day.

Rocky Bond
Rocky Bond
General of the Air Force (USAF)
General of the Air Force (USAF)
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Chapter #3 ‘Tricks’ Empty Re: Chapter #3 ‘Tricks’

Fri Jun 04, 2021 1:32 pm

Bond was betrayed.

His eyes closed in the bright light surrounding the two and then a much darker light.

His wife slipped out of his arms and stepped backwards, “Now back to work with the both of us.” Giving a slight smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes as it normally would. “Only you can decide, I will support you as I always have.”

Bond’s mouth opened slightly with shock, but also to speak. The air just escaped his mouth with no words amongst it. His nodded, very briefly and very subtly, in a defeatist agreement – work did indeed need to be done and this General was not for surrender.

Grace left and Bond knew it wasn’t an easy move for her, and appreciated her desire to push him forward. That was what a partner was for; shore up the shortcomings, be a leaning post in times of avalanche and put you out of the door when it was too torrential to get the motivation.

A knock came on the opposing door, the one that led to the Briefing Room; it was Technical Sergeant Romeo who should usually be located downstairs. “Sergeant?” Bond said, turning around to face the man, his back now facing the door his love had used to leave.

“Sir. It’s almost time for the diplomatic operation briefing – would you like me to page SG-1?” The Sergeant said, pushing up his black, wide-framed glasses.

Nodding, but meaning the opposite, General Bond spoke again; “I’ll do it in a moment. Thank you.”

“Very good sir,” The TSgt said before he tapped the inner door frame and left.

That was this man’s M.O. recently, wasn’t it? ‘I’ll do it in a moment’... What a whiner.

Bond marched across his room with intent but stopped dead in his tracks when he realised. The broken cup was gone. “No no no no no!” Bond quietly shouted to himself as he hastily shuffled around his office and it was found - discarded in the waste paper basket beside his desk like some kind of insignificance.

General Bond leant down and lifted it out, broken handle and all, as if it were an infant he’d discovered left out in the cold. He carried it over to the mahogany sideboard in the office and placed it down among his awards of prestige, positioning it to look right across to him. He once more walked as if with a mission to his desk, around to the offending drawer, flung it open, grasped the envelope, tore it to bits and tossed it below him into the waste bin.

There. Things were now in the right place.

The drawer was slammed to a close and this GENERAL could proceed with his work.

Bond grinned for the first real time today.



Get ready for the story to kick in!
Cameron MacGregor
Cameron MacGregor
Colonel (USAF)
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Posts : 23
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Chapter #3 ‘Tricks’ Empty Re: Chapter #3 ‘Tricks’

Sat Jun 05, 2021 10:23 pm

“I think not a newbie straight out of training, someone with a bit of experience and that has some common sense. Maybe not a jar head? Thoughts” Remarked the Lt.Col.

"At the end of the day, its your team and I'm not going to tell you how to run it, however" and MacGregor paused briefly to consider the next part of his sentence. He knew that one wrong word out of turn he could quite easily annoy his head of security and he didn't like that thought, all one bit. "Bringing in some new blood may not be a bad idea in all fairness. Means you get the chance to 'mould' them. Just as long as we don't get a jack-ass etc".

MacGregor sat and reflected on that thought. He had been a junior officer himself not all that long ago and he knew the pressure felt by all new members of staff at the SGC. Hell he had only been there around 10 or so years, give or take, but he knew that he could trust Jen to make the right call.

MacGregor took a sip of the some-what called coffee from his mug and then felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. Although they where a good bit underground, the wireless networks around the base meant that his phone could still access non-classified networks so he could receive texts and emails. As he glanced at the notifications on his phone, his mood took a slight dip when he read the subject heading; 'Quarterly personnel reviews'.

He glanced up at Jen and turned his phone to show her. "Never any rest for the wicked! I'mma have to go. Catch you around!". MacGregor stood up, gave the Lt.Col a nod and a small smile and then proceeded to head out of the mess hall.

=^= General, its MacGregor, bad time?=^=


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