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Hermione Lynch
Hermione Lynch
Doctor of Science (AE)
Doctor of Science (AE)
Posts : 21
Join date : 2021-03-26

Chapter #3 'Salute' Empty Chapter #3 'Salute'

Tue Jun 01, 2021 3:57 pm

While Hermione awaited a response from her fellow Brit, she grabbed her jacket off the back of her chair as she stood up following completing some of the relevant paperwork; only some. There were days when she missed wearing civilian clothes. The more time Dr. Lynch spent on Atlantis, she almost felt military. Almost. There were certain people that she missed that were no longer on Atlantis after the re-shuffle; it was still a sore point, but it had been needed.

=^=Balcony near the dining room?=^= She responded once Colonel Carter replied. She still refused to call in the mess hall. It would be nice to have a break that was not working in the labs.

About to pop her head into the main lab where the science team were working, she heard the voice of Colonel Elliot. =^=Good work, Lynch. Clean it, tart it up and bring it to the Conference Room.=^=. She gave a mock salute with no response needed on the radio.

“Team, please make our special gift presentable. Maybe a glass box or something equally fancy to make it look enchanting.” Pausing as they listened to her. “I will be on radio if anything blows up or I am urgently needed. I will not be long so please have it completed upon on my return.” Without as much as a goodbye, Hermione moved out of the area and headed to the transporter to go to the balcony space. It offered beautiful views and it was a lovely day.

It was a known fact Hermione Lynch did keep herself on the outside of the personnel of Atlantis. It reminded her of what had been lost in friendships and people that were not military. It was enough to believe she was the best of the best to still have her post; but it could be a very lonely place. This place was sometimes like a scene from a movie; almost it was enough in the situations Dr. Lynch had seen that tomorrow was promised to no-one or when one would run out of time.

Just great; now she needed something stronger than coffee, but coffee would have to do for now.


TAG_ Carter
Jack Elliot
Jack Elliot
Colonel (USAF)_Military Commander, AE
Colonel (USAF)_Military Commander, AE
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Chapter #3 'Salute' Empty Re: Chapter #3 'Salute'

Fri Jun 04, 2021 3:24 pm

Colonel Elliot started to take on the steps that were a direct descent into the Gateroom because the City had an unscheduled dial in from Earth, not only that but they’d reported a traveller was due. Colonel Elliot was a man of strict security and safety of his people, he didn’t like that visitors were inbound with no forewarned itinerary or interest.

Usually, this would be the sort’ve thing the IOA would pull, but they’d not long since left after a long-term deployment, so Jack was especially confused, and concerned.

Doing his duty though, the shield on the gate was dropped security teams were stood down.

He slipped his right foot off of the bottom step of the aforementioned staircase and casually approached the puddle awaiting their new guest, or guests.

The newcomer emerged, solo and wearing US Air Force Service Dress Blues, a single silver star on each shoulder and a familiar face, to boot.

Elliot hit himself in the ear to activate his earpiece with urgency, =^=All senior staff to the Gateroom immediately. Drop it and move it.=^=

“Honey, I’m home.” She spoke, with a slight smirk.

Jack stopped, slammed his right foot where it belonged in such company and to a sharp snap had his right hand beside his brow, firmly declaring “Ten-Hut!”

“I hope everyone is pleasantly surprised.”

Jack brought his arm back down, those in the room around them did the same. Taking two further steps, Jack extended his right hand to greet his guest and spoke with a genuine smile, “Ma’am.” Acknowledging her rhetorical question with a slight nod.


Laura Carter
Laura Carter
Lieutenant Colonel (BA MED), AE
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Chapter #3 'Salute' Empty Re: Chapter #3 'Salute'

Fri Jun 04, 2021 4:01 pm

Laura was ready!

Currently, she was meandering the halls of the City to get to her meet with Doctor Lynch. Hermione was someone she considered a friend and someone to whom she was grateful.

Somehow, and it didn’t matter who, but somehow Hermione was able to bring people down to level ground. It didn’t matter the pedestal, it didn’t matter the rank or occupation she just somehow spoke to people and they came down to her level. Lynch wasn’t intimidating, she wasn’t rude or abrupt but she was able to ignore any lack of confidence or feeling of being uncomfortable and just talk... At least that’s how she came across to Laura.

The two were friends, they rekindled their friendship when Laura came back to the City after the death of her father and they stayed in touch. Laura felt it reminded her a little of the days gone by, when there wasn’t so much loss and departure in her life – she was probably fooling herself... As the Executive Medical Officer and then Chief Medical Officer she certainly found herself facing loss.

Last transporter down and Laura had seen the doors just ahead for the Mess, beyond which was her date.

It was kind of nice to be able to walk through the city and not sprint it because of a false alarm... A farce that meant she’d only just started to breathe right again.

=^=All senior staff to the Gateroom immediately. Drop it and move it.=^= The Colonel’s voice rang in her ear.

“Son of a-“ Laura muttered to herself, under her breath of course.

Laura dramatically turned around on the spot and started to storm back on herself in the same direction that she’d literally just bloody come from.


Gordon Hannigan
Gordon Hannigan
Flying Officer (RAF)_Gate Tech, AE
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Chapter #3 'Salute' Empty Re: Chapter #3 'Salute'

Sun Jun 06, 2021 1:21 am

Hannigan was sat at his usual post, the Stargate console/DHD within the control room after retreating from the Gateroom earlier. He couldn't help but feel embarrassed about the whole situation, and he knew that his team was directly implicated in this. After all, being an engineer, he was used to taking flack, but in this instance he was not happy. There had been a breakdown in communication and he knew that mistakes like this couldn't happen again.

He started typing up an email to his team, outlining major points such as checking any equipment movement logs as well as change control logs from the various other teams. Although his team looked after the gate twenty-four seven, there where other teams who carried out work either along side them and sometimes above them which was the norm for the science team. After all, they where tasked with maintaining and operating the gate. Although Hannigan had an exceptional understanding of the Stargate, slip-ups did happen.

Hannigan had just finished sending the email to his team, when he started sending an email to Dr Lynch. Although Hannigan was new to Atlantis, he was still getting to know everyone. He had spoken to Dr Lynch in passing, but had never had the chance to properly meet all of the department heads since arriving. After all, everyone was so busy it was hard to schedule time.to do formal meet and greets. Just as he was typing the email, he heard the Stargate start to activate. Glancing down at the laptop connected to the console, it was an incoming wormhole.

Hannigan tapped his headset for a city wide announcement and stated =^=UNSCHEDULED OFFWORLD ACTIVATION=^=

After that, he moved away from the console and let one of the other techs take over while he moved into another position within Stargate operations to check various things such as power consumption and also prepping any jumpers that may be required. He was listening to the feed over the comm links Before he knew it he looked up and saw Colonel Elliot and Brigadier General who had emerged through the active wormhole.

Hermione Lynch
Hermione Lynch
Doctor of Science (AE)
Doctor of Science (AE)
Posts : 21
Join date : 2021-03-26

Chapter #3 'Salute' Empty Re: Chapter #3 'Salute'

Sun Jun 06, 2021 10:13 pm

With a small sigh, it was heavy from the amount of work that needed to be done. It does seem like it was never-ending and few rests which is why Dr. Lynch took these smalls breaks when she was able to.

Just as Hermione was about to exit the transporter to walk to the hall, she heard the order over the radio by Colonel Elliot in her ear.

=^=All senior staff to the Gateroom immediately. Drop it and move it.=^=

“What the hell?” Hermione cursed slightly, it has better be something important. Slamming her hand against the transporter to take her to the Gateroom, she was soon arriving and ran as quickly as she could. For all she knew it could be an emergency can often time was of the essence.

Almost skidding around the corner, Hermione her breath seeing what the urgency had been for. A slight frown rested on her lips when seeing the director of Homeworld Security. However, even the professional, Dr. Lynch stepped into the Gateroom standing respectfully as was required of her. The slight resentment she had, she sometimes felt was justified since Hermione was now one of the very few civilians now on Atlantis. Yes, she understood why the overhaul had been needed. Well, she could sulk for a while if she wanted in her own thoughts.

Pulling herself out of her thoughts, she remembered what was expected. Hermione ensured her uniform was correctly worn and waited for further instruction with a straight face.


Gwen Harrison
Gwen Harrison
Brigadier General (USAF)_Military Commander, AE
Brigadier General (USAF)_Military Commander, AE
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Chapter #3 'Salute' Empty Re: Chapter #3 'Salute'

Sun Jun 06, 2021 10:26 pm

Sometimes these were the moments Gwen lived for was surprising people with her unexpected arrivals in places. This was how she worked now being a General and having such a heavy post. It was needed to be aware of situations and being able to see what was working. That often required her appearing with very little notice if none at all. She needed to see everything as it worked and not staged to impress this General.

Chuckling ever so slightly, noticing Colonel Elliot snap into a salute which General Harrison returned as sharply. Yes, she believed the Colonel was the right choice for the command of Atlantis. He was an intelligent and strong soldier and commander which was what Atlantis needed. A firm but fair hand at the helm.

“Colonel!” Stepping forward and meeting the handshake with her own. “Sorry for the lack of notice, I was overdue a visit and Earthside was getting a bit boring. So, I thought I would shake things up here.” Speaking with a little jest in the voice. Although, she did have other motives which needed to overseen ensuring situations did run smoothly.

Taking a quick glance around, her smile becoming soft for a moment. Gwen remembered when she served on the city as a Major. Indeed that did feel like another lifetime ago. Seasons changed and she was where she was needed. Even when choices made this General might not agree with, it was important the job was done correctly. Atlantis being one of them.

“It is nice to be back. So, what is the progress of this alliance? Any updates? Any other situations I need to be aware of?” Straight down to business was needed and this was one of those moments. Glancing around, Harrison noticed what she assumed was the senior department heads. Some she had not been introduced to although knew of them. “I suppose introductions are required first Colonel.”


Jack Elliot
Jack Elliot
Colonel (USAF)_Military Commander, AE
Colonel (USAF)_Military Commander, AE
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Chapter #3 'Salute' Empty Re: Chapter #3 'Salute'

Tue Jun 15, 2021 3:09 pm

“Colonel!” Stepping forward and meeting the handshake with her own. “Sorry for the lack of notice, I was overdue a visit and Earthside was getting a bit boring. So, I thought I would shake things up here.” Speaking with a little jest in the voice.

Jack understood, “Not a problem at all, Ma’am. You’re always a welcome visitor in Atlantis.” Jack let go of his superiors hand and stepped back again, cupping both hands behind his back.

He got it, they were being inspected. The key thing to understand about military training and breaking-in was to be unpredictable. There were a lot of big changes carried out, and a great many more likely to come – it was strange though, that the IOA had just left and General Harrison had arrived before they would even report to Homeworld Command what their thoughts were.

There was also the added fact of General Harrison being an old colleague. Jack had heard about her serving in every corner of the Stargate Program, apparently she was tapped by General Bond to be his successor so it was natural for some more face-time amid rumours that it might be time for a change of leader – something Elliot couldn’t be more firmly against.

“It is nice to be back. So, what is the progress of this alliance? Any updates? Any other situations I need to be aware of?”

Jack respected the brass-tacks approach; he used it in his own leadership so he knew where he stood. Opening his mouth to reply on the subject, Elliot was cut off – “I suppose introductions are required first Colonel.”

Jack realised that the General had noticed the numeral department heads he’d summoned upon seeing his commander. “I’m a firm believer in not speaking for another grown up, so I’ll have them take care of themselves,” Jack nodded and tapped his earpiece while looking just to the top of the staircase out of the room.

=^=Lynch, Carter, Hannigan, get down here=^= Jack turned back to his boss and nodding in anticipation of the footsteps descending behind him.


Laura Carter
Laura Carter
Lieutenant Colonel (BA MED), AE
Lieutenant Colonel (BA MED), AE
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Chapter #3 'Salute' Empty Re: Chapter #3 'Salute'

Tue Jun 15, 2021 3:10 pm

Laura had been ordered here, there, near and far around the base in a matter of seconds and she’d had just about a bloody ‘nough of it. Jesus, H.

Emerging from the transporter just above the ‘Gateroom, Laura walked the narrow hallway and found herself passing through the commanders’ vacant office, over the short bridge, through the control room and to the top of the staircase, finally coming to rest beside Doctor Lynch.

Sighing with a lack of breath, Laura muttered to her friend, “What now? Shall I get my suitcase?”

Laura hadn’t paid attention to anything going down while she walked to her location so she only just paid attention when Colonel Elliot radioed them from their perch; =^=Lynch, Carter, Hannigan, get down here=^=

Summoned, ever gracefully, Laura looked at Lynch out of the corner of her eyes and started the walk down the staircase with a soft smile on her face.

Reaching the bottom, Colonel Carter spoke to General Harrison and stood ‘to’, “Ma’am, I believe we've met. Lieutenant Colonel Laura Carter. Chief Medical Officer.”


Hermione Lynch
Hermione Lynch
Doctor of Science (AE)
Doctor of Science (AE)
Posts : 21
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Chapter #3 'Salute' Empty Re: Chapter #3 'Salute'

Wed Jun 16, 2021 12:07 am

Stood at the top of the staircase hearing parts of the conversation between the Colonel and General. Lynch kept the same frown on her face. It felt like this was going to take forever, she had other things she needed to, but of course being the good team member she was, she would remain stood. Glancing around, Dr. Lynch saw the member of the military branches very tense, and it was a curious sight from a civilian point of view.

Hermione did not keep it a secret about the reshuffle that had happened on Atlantis, but she did have respect for the command. Remembering the earlier command and occasionally Le Fay and the situation where he saved the city but caused her the greatest broken heart she had ever experienced. It had taken a long time for her to find herself after that situation even after the years had passed.

The thought process was soon interrupted when she saw Carter arriving.

“What now? Shall I get my suitcase?”

Giving a slight shrug before replying. “It will be me first, we know the top bosses love having civilians on the base.” Hermione replying sarcastically. Before standing up tall as she was summoned to great the General.

Walking down the stair and composed herself by taking in a deep breath, counting to three. Hermione looked at the Colonel from the corner of her eyes. Almost saying something sarcastic but held onto the remark. Soon enough, it was time to reintroduce herself to General Harrison.

“Hello General, I am Doctor Hermione Lynch, your civilian chief scientist.” With emphasis placed on civilian.


Gordon Hannigan
Gordon Hannigan
Flying Officer (RAF)_Gate Tech, AE
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Chapter #3 'Salute' Empty Re: Chapter #3 'Salute'

Thu Jul 01, 2021 5:22 pm

=^=Lynch, Carter, Hannigan, get down here=^=

Hannigan instantly perked up from his console from where he had been looking over data and writing reports. He normally ensured that he was visible to the other 'gate techs to ensure that if there was a faux pas, he could be there as soon as possible.

He instantly shot up from his seat and walked with intention towards the staircase towards the embarkation area. As he walked down the stairs, he could see all of the other department heads congregating around the Brig.Gen and base commander. As soon as he got close, he instantly assumed the position of 'shun and could just hear Dr Lynch give her introduction.

As soon as he stood beside her, he instantly felt slightly out of his depth. He was still new to the role and being a junior officer, he was expected to be impeccable at all times, regardless of the situation. Especially when he was the most junior of the department heads. Although he had a rank above the civilians, that didn't make a difference here. Your post was what gave you the credentials over other people. Having a military rank was either a blessing, or sometimes a burden.

"Ma'am, Flying Officer Hannigan. I'm the current chief gate tech". He said this with some interpretation in his voice due to what had happened earlier. As he spoke, he could feel the death stare of multiple department heads look at him, but he remained cool and ensured that he looked professional.


Jack Elliot
Jack Elliot
Colonel (USAF)_Military Commander, AE
Colonel (USAF)_Military Commander, AE
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Chapter #3 'Salute' Empty Re: Chapter #3 'Salute'

Wed Jul 14, 2021 1:03 pm

Jack listened as his people came one-by-one to come and talk to their collective boss. In apprehension he was invisibly tense – as far as he knew, this was the person, General, responsible for the dismissal of much of his personnel and he could barely get anything done with the extremely slim number that he’d been left and told to work with.

Jack became mildly concerned when he heard the introduction of his Chief Scientist, “Hello General, I am Doctor Hermione Lynch, your civilian chief scientist.” With emphasis placed on civilian.

Lynch was a charmer and damned well good at her job – but keeping her job? Jack questioned how in the hell that happened with all of the subtle digs at respect she walked around giving. Invisibly again, he winced at her emphatic civilian comment. Smiling, though, at the General. Jack respected the doctor, she’d been here longer than him and longer than just about anybody, he loved the character she was and how she stood fast and firm against a great many things despite the loss and turmoil she’d inevitably seen during her tenure – but what was it all for? A quick jab at the one person that Jack couldn’t protect her from?

Other introductions went a little easier, the Chief of Security (even though late), the Chief Gate Technician and the Chief Medical Officer. Jack loved the latter, remind the boss that she’s one of you, that she’s from around here.

General Harrison had worked in just about every project that the Stargate Program ran. SGC, AE, The Celestis Expedition and was picked as XO for the failed, catastrophic Othala Experiment... Lucky she’d turned that last one down.

That was it, now came the response from his boss to his people.


Gwen Harrison
Gwen Harrison
Brigadier General (USAF)_Military Commander, AE
Brigadier General (USAF)_Military Commander, AE
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Chapter #3 'Salute' Empty Re: Chapter #3 'Salute'

Wed Jul 14, 2021 2:33 pm

This General was very aware of the looks given by the Atlantis department leads; she was the reason why teams had been reshuffled. However, she stood by the decisions that were made and would continue to be made. Harrison knew this made her not a popular person.

General Harrison’s gaze moved in the direction of the first person to speak. “Ma’am, I believe we've met. Lieutenant Colonel Laura Carter. Chief Medical Officer.” Giving a slight smile and a curt nod of her head. “Ah, lovely to see you again Colonel and to have risen up in position as well.” It was sometimes soothing to see some familiar faces.

The next person approached, and she remembered Dr. Lynch during her time of services on Atlantis. Raising an eyebrow sharply at Lynch’s introduction and very much aware it was a personal dig at the very few numbers of civilians within the city walls. “Yes, Doctor…” Pausing briefly pursing her lips. “I remember you very well, and remember you were the best of the candidates during the reshuffle, military and civilian.” This General demanded respect from everyone. “But… well…” She left the sentence as it was before commenting “We are always reviewing”. This was not how Harrison liked to address people, but respect needed to be earned and General Harrison was not impressed with the sarcasm presented.

Going through the rest of the introductions by nodding or giving a small greeting. Finally seeing the late arrival. “Greetings Hannigan, work on the punctuality eh.” Giving a slight smirk. “Try not to blow the ‘gate up, it is valuable.” Before turning her attention back to Colonel Elliot effectively dismissing the department heads.

“Now Colonel, what about those updates?”


Jack Elliot
Jack Elliot
Colonel (USAF)_Military Commander, AE
Colonel (USAF)_Military Commander, AE
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Chapter #3 'Salute' Empty Re: Chapter #3 'Salute'

Wed Aug 11, 2021 12:41 pm

Not as bad as was expected.

Colonel Elliot was stood beside, but between his senior staff and his superior as she greeted them back during her impromptu drop-in. He'd had a concern as to how she'd have responded but it was overall quite positive. Lieutenant Colonel Carter received praise to be seen again and her climb in position was noted, Hannigan was smiled at - although late. Again. Then there was Lynch; definite tension between the two matriarchs but Jack let it play out.

“Now Colonel, what about those updates?” His boss asked of him.

In trying to recall the best way to address the question, Elliot took care of a little business before. Turning to his time, his smiled and gave a nod of his head before addressing him, "Thank you, all, dismissed."

As the small (what he was left with) senior staff began to filter away from him, he spoke again, "Lynch - can we get the gift to the conference room please?" The Doctor was a beast at cracking the whip so he knew she was more than capable at putting her people under a little pressure.

Turning back to his superior officer, the Colonel replied, "Yes, Ma'am." Elliot gestured with his right arm to the staircase, essentially inviting the flag officer to walk and talk with him to his office.

As the pair reached around the midway mark of the steps, Jack continued, "The alliance has been progressing quite well. Today is D-Day and we're all set. I've asked Doctor Lynch to pick out a gift, although not too frivolous, her team believe they've found the candidate - that's what I've just asked her to get to the top of the tower." Conversation broke for a moment as the two entered the Control Room and the military personnel all 'stood to' and a civilian brought a file for Jack to sign.

Jack signed the sheet and turned to the General with a contented smile before he turned himself back around and continued his trail, "The diplomacy team, plus one out of depth scientist is in the conference room and about to head out to collect our friends. If you like ma'am, I don't have issue with you taking lead on this chapter?" Jack knew his offer would be declined, but felt need to ask - she was his superior and he found he was always prepared to surrender complete authority.


Laura Carter
Laura Carter
Lieutenant Colonel (BA MED), AE
Lieutenant Colonel (BA MED), AE
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Chapter #3 'Salute' Empty Re: Chapter #3 'Salute'

Wed Aug 25, 2021 1:15 am

Giving a slight smile and a curt nod of her head. “Ah, lovely to see you again Colonel and to have risen up in position as well.”

“Thank you Ma’am, you too!” Laura quippily replied to the General with a smile and stepped to allow others to come forward.

Having reacquainted herself with her bosses boss, Laura watched as it was now time for Hermione to step up. Doctor Lynch was an institution, an immovable object, and she knew it - but sometimes she didn’t half show the English in her and tell it like it is!

As Hermione rejoined her colleagues after an intense game of reading between the lines, Laura muttered, “Yikes,” and shoulder touched her in solidarity. It didn’t matter if this Colonel was taken on - loss was her middle name and fighting a losing battle anyway was her game.

"Thank you, all, dismissed." Spine Colonel Elliot and he didn’t have to say that twice.

Laura turned to Lynch to take her up on that raincheck, “Brew-“

"Lynch - can we get the gift to the conference room please?" Requested Elliot of Lynch.

Carter sighed and dropped her shoulders. “Want a loner?!” She virtually yelled as she throw on the falsehood of excitement!


Hermione Lynch
Hermione Lynch
Doctor of Science (AE)
Doctor of Science (AE)
Posts : 21
Join date : 2021-03-26

Chapter #3 'Salute' Empty Re: Chapter #3 'Salute'

Wed Aug 25, 2021 4:39 pm

Glancing from the corner of her eye at Carter giving a small grimace before shrugging her shoulders. She then watched the other senior staff members mingle with the General, Hermione considered what she has spoken, and it was one of those moment even though it needed to be said; it did pain her though that she could have risked her own job. Oh well what was done was done; Lynch would deal with any consequences later. She had made it clear and strong what was on her mind; she was English, it was part of her charm.

It wasn’t long before they were all dismissed, and Hermione let out a little breath before turning around once Colonel Elliot spoke. A quick nod of her head and a response.

“Of course, Colonel.” The tapping her radio =^=Science team this is Doctor Lynch, please can someone who is not prone to falling over bring the gift to the conference room immediately.=^= She left no room for negotiations, Hermione ran a tight ship within her department or things did have the chance to crumble down.

Turning her attention to Colonel Carter and shrugged her shoulders. “Never a moment of peace in this place.” It was a busy job, but sometimes just a little bit of downtime during the workday was wanted, just a little time – Hermione wasn’t asking much. “Brew on the go?” A quick trip to the mess hall could not hurt and no doubt she would be there and back before the ‘gift’ arrived and she could delivery it with bells and whistles.


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Chapter #3 'Salute' Empty Re: Chapter #3 'Salute'

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