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Cameron MacGregor
Cameron MacGregor
Colonel (USAF)
Colonel (USAF)
Posts : 23
Join date : 2021-03-26

Awards Profile Layout Empty Awards Profile Layout

Sun Mar 28, 2021 3:48 pm
If you have achieved any awards or promotions at the end of a mission, your 'awards profile' will be updated accordingly.

If this is the case, can you please ensure that your profile has been created by using the template below.

If your profile is incorrect, please contact the MAJCOM Chief of Staff in the first instance.

- Cameron


[b][u]Stargate: The New Era Awards Profile[/b][/u]

[i]Service Branch[/i]: 

[i]Current Rank[/i]: 

[i]Date Joined[/i]: 

[i]Current Base[/i]: 


[i][u]Specialist Awards[/i][/u]:

[i][u]Independent Awards[/i][/u]:

[i][u]Overall Awards[/i][/u]:

[i][u]Higher-Order Awards[/i][/u]:

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