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Rocky Bond
Rocky Bond
General of the Air Force (USAF)
General of the Air Force (USAF)
Posts : 51
Join date : 2021-03-26
Age : 31

Awards Available Empty Awards Available

Fri Mar 26, 2021 4:02 pm
So, for those that would like to know what you have to do to earn an award or two; here's the list and a short run down:

Specialist Awards
Awarded by MAJCOM. These are awards only given on certain circumstances that require a lot to gain - these can be given to multiple members at any one time.

Generals Heart Award: Awards Available ZKYJe7W
The highest award. This award can only be given by the MAJCOM CO (General Bond); this is gained by being brilliant.

Executive Officer's Heart Award: Awards Available A2N2GkM
This is only given to up to two people at any one time and with only the say-so of the Major Command XO (Grace Wyatt).

Major Command Member Award: Awards Available W8HlNiR
Any members of TNE that have been, are or become members of the MAJCOM Teams will receive this award.

Wikia Participation Ribbon of Recognition: Awards Available SOIkFjD
If a member has helped to create/develop a page of the TNE wikia, they become a recipient of this award.

Boot Camp Qualification Recognition Awards: Awards Available FPvXkSU
Anyone working on the Bootcamps, or passing them become a recipient of this award.

Member of the Month Recognition Ribbon: Awards Available VW0z3DI
This is given to those members that are selected as TNE's 'Member of the Month' - so that they can show what they achieved with SG: TNE.

SIMM Defence Awards: Awards Available X4g8eV1Awards Available Mk0m2Sy
You’ll receive this if you’ve helped defend your base.

SIMM Bravery Awards: Awards Available TB54eFoAwards Available NfWbaGs
This is given to anyone who has shown exemplary courage and bravery in the face of the enemy while in service to their individual SIMM.

[NEW]Team Citation Commendation: Awards Available 7tZ8qQf
The team that stood out most to the MAJOR COMMAND Team will be awarded this ribbon. Each member may display it.

[NEW]Joint Service Commendation: Awards Available HYUGwP1
Issued to any member for authorised crossovers to develop, aid or strengthen a story arc for a mission in a simm that's not their assigned one.

TNE Longevity & Occasion Awards

Awarded by MAJCOM. These are the longevity awards (as of the 3rd year) of TNE's existence.

TNE '3rd' Awards Available JyHftGsAwards Available DgWtkHJAwards Available 9oV1At4
One of three, each awarded on TNE's 3rd Birthday to commemorate those that have seen the key development years

TNE '6th': Awards Available DxXfUbS
Awarded as a combination award for many. For others this serves as the digital on-site award issued for being with SG:TNE in its 6th year.

Once-Only Graphics Achievement Award: Awards Available CShdpTc
This was gained only when one took part in the 3rd Birthday forums and winning the graphics competition.

Once-Only Christmas Activity Awards: Awards Available JfastC7Awards Available XVPQH6M
These were issued for partaking in the fourth Christmas competitions on TNE. These were not the prize - simply were issued for taking part.

[NEW]TNE Pride Month Participation Ribbon: Awards Available Gk3fIvw
Issued for members taking part in Pride Month, or any Pride activities on TNE 3.

Independent Awards

Awarded by request of Base/Mission Commander. These are given only to one member of each specific SIMM at one time.

Most Intriguing Character: Awards Available RHxdPIA
This is given to any person that stood out more than others.

Most Hard Working: Awards Available FxuSBjv
This is given to the member of a SIMM that is always found working - hard.

Most Duty Bearing: Awards Available WxHtJH4
This is given to any member of a SIMM that has/had a burden and does so with honour.

Best Service: Awards Available YuCeAyG
If a member of a SIMM served their superior well; this is what they'll obtain.

[NEW]Notable Character Development Awards Available RH89SI8
You will receive this if your character is noticed as the most most developing and evolving throughout the entire mission.

Overall Awards

Awarded by request of Base/Mission Commander. These can be given to any amount of people at one time - just not all.

[NEW]Purple Heart Cameo Awards Available AJxeHVz
This award, based on the real one, is awarded for those wounded in the line of duty, while committing to gallant acts of bravery.

Most Achieved: Awards Available OzvgHZW
This is given to any persons who may have achieved a lot in the time they took IC on their SIMM.

Most Effort: Awards Available MzPUXeK
This is given to those who've been acknowledged for their undying attempts to 'try'.

Most Active: Awards Available SoFtb6m
This is awarded to those people that are always here and always post.

Most Honourable: Awards Available R3BcJ3Q
This is given to those personnel that are respectable in everything they say/do.

Most Gripping Post: Awards Available UIxHwlP
This is given to anyone that locked an official's head into the SIMM when their post was read.

Higher-Order Awards

Awarded by MAJCOM CO/XO. These are unique awards of a massive scale by comparison to those of the above.

SG:TNE Reliance Order: Awards Available F7HnY5A
This order is given those that the site really wouldn't last long without; those people that have dedicated all these years and time and skill with effort to simple keep it a success. In ancient across the chest of the order is: "FOR THOSE ONLY OF WORTH AND GRATITUDE".

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