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Cameron MacGregor
Cameron MacGregor
Colonel (USAF)
Colonel (USAF)
Posts : 23
Join date : 2021-03-26

Cameron MacGregor  Empty Cameron MacGregor

Thu Jul 01, 2021 5:38 pm
Personal Info
Name: Cameron MacGregor
Rank: Colonel (USAF)
Gender: Male
DOB/Age: 30
POB//From: Dundee, Scotland
Relationship Status: Divorced

Family Life: MacGregor is a very family orientated person. However due to his work, this has torn him away from them and resulted in his divorce. He still keeps regular contact with his parternal family on a near daily basis, however his two daughters [NAME CLASSIFIED] and [NAME CLASSIFIED] still speak to him as well.

Mind Set/Personality: MacGregor is a focused individual, however can lack some confidence from time to time. He always ensures that a job gets done and always wants the best for his team and those around him. He is never afraid to get his hands dirty and always ensure that he leads from the front.

Early Career
Primary Schooling: Local primary school within his home town.
Secondary Schooling: Local academy within his home town.
College: Dundee & Angus College
University: Abertay University, Dundee
Military Camps/Work Carried Out:
RAF Lossiemouth (As a RAFAC Cadet)
RAF Syerston (As a RAFAC Cadet)
RAFC Cranwell (Initial Officer Training)
RAF Syerston (Tempoary hold while awaiting flying training)
RAFC Cranwell (Flying Training)
RAF Marham (F35 Operational Conversion Unit)
RAF Lossiemouth (Assigned to 617 Squadron but detached to HMS Queen Elizabeth)
RAF High Wycombe (Air Command as attache to the USAF)
Stargate Command (XO SG-3)
Staragte Command (CO SG-2)
Stargate Command (CO SG-1, XO SGC)

Notable Career Points:
Achieved an A1 instructor rating on Military Gliders
Graduated Initial Officer Training with highest score in his class

Notable Awards:

Additional Info: MacGregor enjoys flying unpowered aircraft, mainly gliders in his spare time. Having done it from a young age, he was able to instruct other people how to fly.

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Jack Elliot
Jack Elliot
Colonel (USAF)_Military Commander, AE
Colonel (USAF)_Military Commander, AE
Posts : 28
Join date : 2021-03-26

Cameron MacGregor  Empty Re: Cameron MacGregor

Mon Jul 05, 2021 3:19 pm
I'm pretty sure you've been with us on the city in the past?

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