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Victoria Dalton
Victoria Dalton
Corporal (US ARMY)
Corporal (US ARMY)
Posts : 7
Join date : 2021-06-01

Victoria Dalton Empty Victoria Dalton

Tue Jun 01, 2021 6:27 pm
Hello... my name is Victoria Dalton.

I request the role of Heavy Weapons Team Member of SG-2.

I would like to have a rank in the US Army - please assign whichever rank you seem to fit.
Rocky Bond
Rocky Bond
General of the Air Force (USAF)
General of the Air Force (USAF)
Posts : 51
Join date : 2021-03-26
Age : 31

Victoria Dalton Empty Re: Victoria Dalton

Fri Jun 04, 2021 12:39 am
Welcome, Ms Dalton!

Apologies for the delay in processing your request.

I have SG1 spots available, or you can continue to look at SG2, obviously have all slots Ava there too, if you fancied a team lead. If you wanted to work for it, that’s commendable, too.

It’s your fantasy so have you had any thoughts? If you’d like to start low then that’s a possibility, but we wouldn’t want to go any higher than junior officer.

Let me know.


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Victoria Dalton
Victoria Dalton
Corporal (US ARMY)
Corporal (US ARMY)
Posts : 7
Join date : 2021-06-01

Victoria Dalton Empty Re: Victoria Dalton

Fri Jun 04, 2021 2:12 pm
Afternoon General!

I would certainly prefer not to lead a team, but rather it be a work in progress.

I am quite happy to be an NCO and I would certainly prefer to be on the lower end of the ranks. Something I can build up.

As for the team, I am happy to be placed where needed.


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Rocky Bond
Rocky Bond
General of the Air Force (USAF)
General of the Air Force (USAF)
Posts : 51
Join date : 2021-03-26
Age : 31

Victoria Dalton Empty Re: Victoria Dalton

Fri Jun 04, 2021 4:29 pm
Afternoon, Corporal.

I've placed you in SG1 to fill up the team, give it the mission, if you're still flirting with SG2 then you can head over there with no problems. (:

Your signature and rank are in place so head on over to report in.

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