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Laura Carter
Laura Carter
Lieutenant Colonel (BA MED), AE
Lieutenant Colonel (BA MED), AE
Posts : 10
Join date : 2021-05-04

Laura Carter Empty Laura Carter

Tue May 04, 2021 12:38 am
Laura Carter reports for Atlantis Expeditions Chief Medical Officer.

I recall I was a Lieutenant Colonel in the Medical Corps of the British Army, if necessary I don’t mind being made a Major, once again.

Glad to be back!

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Rocky Bond
Rocky Bond
General of the Air Force (USAF)
General of the Air Force (USAF)
Posts : 51
Join date : 2021-03-26
Age : 31

Laura Carter Empty Re: Laura Carter

Tue May 04, 2021 1:09 am
Welcome back, Dr Carter!

It’s been a while, things have shifted and changed over at Atlantis.

Your base signature will take a couple days to knock up and for now you have your regular military rank, until your new AE trial rank is made up. (:

Please report into the Commander and you’ll be given instructions from there.


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