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Grace Wyatt
Grace Wyatt
Special Civilian Consultant (SGC)
Special Civilian Consultant (SGC)
Posts : 24
Join date : 2021-03-26
Age : 33

Grace Wyatt Empty Grace Wyatt

Thu Apr 08, 2021 5:02 pm
Personal Info
Name: Grace Elizabeth Wyatt
Rank: Chief Medical Advisor (Ret. General)
Gender: Female
DOB/Age:  Fifty-Seven
POB//From: New York
Relationship Status: Married to General Rocky Bond.

Family Life: Grace has two daughter from her first marriage named Lilly and Kate. Her first marriage ended in divorce because of their work lives, it was not realistic when they no longer saw each other, but they stay in touch for the sake of their daughters though they are grown up. Grace will sometimes talk with Jake. She often speaks with her daughter Lilly on the phone at least once a week or they Grace can be overprotective of her daughters. Kate is in the military, although within the Army branch and it can be difficult to speak but they do like to debate which military branch is best. Grace has two grandchildren from Lily called Rose and Alexander who she dotes on. Recently her step-son has a child although 'step' isn't relevant in any aspect of it.

Later in life, Grace married General Rocky Bond and has a step son in Cameron McKenzie also military.

Mind Set/Personality:


Early Career

Primary Schooling: Edwards Prep School
Secondary Schooling: St Queens High School
College: USAF Academy
University:  Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences

Military Camps/Work Carried Out:
Wright-Patterson Air Force Base
Los Angeles Air Force Base
David Grant USAF Medical Center; XO Medical Officer
Stargate Command; Chief Medical Officer; XO of SGC
Atlantis Command; CO
Stargate Command; Chief Medical Officer.

Notable Career Points:

Notable Awards:

Additional Info:

Last edited by Grace Wyatt on Tue May 18, 2021 5:10 pm; edited 3 times in total
Jack Elliot
Jack Elliot
Colonel (USAF)_Military Commander, AE
Colonel (USAF)_Military Commander, AE
Posts : 28
Join date : 2021-03-26

Grace Wyatt Empty Re: Grace Wyatt

Thu Apr 22, 2021 4:48 pm
Not forgetting that you had the fortune to work on the city, Ma'am. Those were the days.

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