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Rocky Bond
Rocky Bond
General of the Air Force (USAF)
General of the Air Force (USAF)
Posts : 51
Join date : 2021-03-26
Age : 31

New Stargate Project Empty New Stargate Project

Wed Apr 07, 2021 6:26 pm
Hey all!

So are we all aware of this? I first stumbled on this when decorating in January, couldn't believe what I was hearing!

Brad Wright has acknowledged he's working with MGM on a new Stargate show!

Brad Wright said he'd been brought back in from the cold following the insane move to keep him out of it for SG: Origins (throws up).
Link to 2019 Gateworld Update

He THEN said in June last year that he's still 'trying':
Link to next Gateworld article

In September 2020, Joe Mallozzi said it'd be a new show (not a one off), we'd see familiar faces AND there's plans for Destiny!
Gateworld covering Big Joe here

AND in March this year Brad Wright had said he'd been writing for Daniel Jackson - he's easy to write for and he can hear his voice when he types!
Return Danny Boy

Thoughts? I'm DYING!

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