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Rocky Bond
Rocky Bond
General of the Air Force (USAF)
General of the Air Force (USAF)
Posts : 51
Join date : 2021-03-26
Age : 31

Rocky Bond Empty Rocky Bond

Wed Apr 07, 2021 6:13 pm
Personal Info
Name: Rocky Bond
Rank: General of the Air Force
Gender: Male
DOB/Age: 66
POB//From: Los Angeles, California
Relationship Status: Married to Grace Wyatt

Family Life:
Rocky Bond is distant with his childhood family, due to movement within the military, and their nature as a family, this makes them no less prepared to fight for each other, though. His  wife and extended family however are close and see each other regularly, given that they live in a closer vicinity.
Rocky Bond has a son, Cameron McKenzie who also serves in the USAF and within the Stargate Program when not on family leave due to having a son. Bond has several grandchildren, including step grandchildren - he doesn't think the word 'step' was relevant here.

Mind Set/Personality:
General Bond is a fair leader. Everyone has a job to do and is expected to carry it out. If they are unable, or simply do not then they're met with decisive action to remove them from the position they showed ineptitude at in order to be assigned somewhere more to their pace.
If you cross family, friends or those in his charge, General Bond is a ruthless vengeance machine that will stop at nothing to clean house of the offenders.
Where there is distinction away from work, Bond enjoys taking a breath, staring into the sunset or the stars with a hot drink and peace. He loves family and gatherings, but relishes his time in silence just as much.

Early Career
Primary Schooling: Local State School
Secondary Schooling: Local State School
College: United States Ait Force Academy
University: United States Ait Force Academy
Military Camps/Work Carried Out: Classified.

Notable Career Points:
SG: TNE III Awards Profile

Notable Awards:
SG: TNE III Awards Profile

Additional Info:
Rocky Bond SW2dK8G
Rocky Bond CpAnyV1
Rocky Bond V4vIvwc

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