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Hermione Lynch
Hermione Lynch
Doctor of Science (AE)
Doctor of Science (AE)
Posts : 21
Join date : 2021-03-26

Hermione Lynch Empty Hermione Lynch

Wed Mar 31, 2021 2:50 pm
Personal Info
Name: Hermione Lynch
Rank: Chief Science Office
Gender: Female
DOB/Age: 41 years old - 1st September
POB//From: Oxford, England

Family Life:

Hermione is the third youngest of four sisters. They are all very close and all attended the same university together considering there is only a year and a half between them all. Hermione studied physics and chemistry at Oxford University, she was not one to slack on her studies. . Her father passed away of the year of her graduation and her mother four years later. She had two nephews and one niece from her older sisters. She has been on Atlantis for a while and since has only returned to Earth a handful of time since her home has now become the city. Although, during the militatisation of the base, she had considered leaving but that was against what she wanted to continue to achieve.

Mind Set/Personality:
he is very strong minded and very set in her ways. She does not like to give anything to chance when it comes to her job. Hermione is somewhat talkative when it comes to her job but that is something she is trying to overcome.

Early Career
Primary Schooling: Headington School, Independent Girls School
Secondary Schooling: Headington School, Independent Girls School
College: Headington School, Independent Girls School (A Levels)
University: Oxford University (Major in Physic, Minor in Chemistry)

Notable Career Points:
Graduated from Oxford and was employed in Oxford University Research department.

Employed to UK Space Agency

Transferred to NASA

Employed by Stargate Command/Atlantis (Classified)

Additional Info:

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