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Rocky Bond
Rocky Bond
General of the Air Force (USAF)
General of the Air Force (USAF)
Posts : 51
Join date : 2021-03-26
Age : 31


Fri Mar 26, 2021 3:26 pm
With the Ori defeated, the Goa’uld eradicated and the Wraith going back into their hibernations on distant planets. The Stargate is still recruiting and sending out new people with new systems and 15 years into the future, with new faces the continue to proceed to open new doors.

Stargate Command still holds its original objectives to go out into the galaxy and find new technologies and allies for the people of its home galaxy and even those in its neighbouring galaxy; the people here have a hard task, and are the focus point for most of the on-going projects headed up for Earth and the Milky Way galaxy. The base is the workplace for so many that are no stranger to the Stargate and even those that are still coming in to take on a fresh look. Stargate Command was where it all began & the SGC is where it’s still at.

In its seventh year, The Atlantis Expedition was relinquished once more to the Ancients upon their return. The creators were told of the continued struggle with the Wraith but were certain they could take care – the Ancients, again, attracted too much attention upon returning to their home planet, Lantea and once more submerged the city to continue with their ascension plans in peace. The City will be found again – but in what condition?

Stargate: The New Era is a forum based role-playing game that has existed for over four years and has recently decided to stop where they are and return to their beginning; to reignite their spark and see what happens this time.

10 Years later and in the year 2038, not too much is different. The entire Stargate Programme is going through masses of change with personnel being promoted and put into the positions they used to look up to and those previously there, being moved out and not necessarily on to great things.

Stargate Command has now made allies that are powerful adversaries against the best of the worst enemies, but when none can help, the SGC must do as it’s always done, and fight !

Atlantis has been militarised in some sense to keep things strict, and safe. With the Wraith struggling for power and allowed to grow significantly while both the Ancients and SG-Teams fled there is indeed a similar threat in the Pegasus but with a much bigger turn for the worst.

Stargate: The New Era comes for another season, heading for its 6th year and this time putting itself 7 years further into the future that the original plans that ignited it in the first place. The people are the same, the ranks are bigger, the posts are higher but the adventures are very much as special as ever.

Keep the magic alive, venture the unknown!
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